
5 Ways To Make Valentine's Day Special

By Karen Simoneschi Plano Publisher February 11, 2020

I don't know about you, but I don't love going out to eat for Valentine's Day dinner.  It's just that the restaurants always seem more crowded and there is this unspoken pressure about finding the "most romantic" or "perfect" place.  Instead, let's have a heart-shaped pizza (so that I don't need to cook), and curl up on the couch with the kids and watch a movie.  That's perfection to me!  And yes....places actually do make heart-shaped pizza, for real!  I will be sharing a list later this week on the Macaroni Kid Plano Texas Facebook page, so make sure you like the page and don't miss it.

So, with dinner covered what are some ways to make the day feel special?  Here are some ideas:

1. Make a Valentine's Day craft or card for a member of the family.  This could be something as simple as white paper and crayons, or as big as hot glue guns and strings and decorations.  Fold up all your names and everyone picks one (you can't pick your own).  And then you get to make something for the person you picked.  Or make something for a neighbor, teacher, friend, or someone you have not seen in a while.  Who doesn't love getting a home-made card or craft?

2. Love Notes.  Put a love note in the lunchbox, or the bedroom door or mirror.  If you like to go big, make a trail of little notes that lead up to a treat.  So many ways you can play with little love notes.  My husband has always been so great at leaving notes around for me and the kids to find.  And now the kids even leave them for each other.  My daughter loves sneaking them in her brothers' lunch box to tell him to have a good day, and he loves leaving them in her books (on a piece of paper).  Trust me, a little love goes a long way! 

3. Valentine's Day Themed Meals.  There are so many fun options here.  Heart-shaped pancakes, bacon formed into hearts, Cheerios (they have a heart-shaped version), a whole fruit platter shaped into a heart, hamburgers, pizzas, cookies, brownies, hot cocoa (cut a heart out of a big marshmallow and let it float on the top).  Basically you can make almost anything into a heart-shaped food, so have fun with this one! 

4. Family Game Night.  You can either stick with a board game you already have, or you can make up something new.  Put items in the shape of a heart.  Then toss either balls or pillows into the heart to see who can get the most.  Or play "Looking for Love" Hide and Seek.  Cut out some hearts and hide them around the house.  Tell the kids how many are hidden, and let them look for them.  Then it is their turn and they hide the hearts on you.  Kids love watching their parents struggle to find the "great spots" they hid them in (so sometimes I might "miss one" for a little bit). But that's our secret!

5. Create a Family Bucket List.  Put together a list of "Places We Would Love To Go & Things We Would Love To Do".  Everyone gets to add to this list.  No idea is a bad idea.  I can be vacation spots, playgrounds, day trips, playdates.  Write it all down on one big master list.  And then the next time you are looking for something to do you can check the "Would Love To" List and pick from there!!

Valentine's Day is a day to celebrate love.  It can be a day of love of your family, friends, or even love for yourself and your journey!   Or just another day...but one that is filled with hearts, flowers, chocolate, candy, and sweet words wherever you look.  There are so many ways to make it a special day!