
Meet Your Plano Macaroni Kid Publisher

December 30, 2019

I am so excited to introduce myself to you!  My name is Karen and I am the publisher for Macaroni Kid Plano!  I've always been "that go to person" who searches everywhere in order to find all the cool things to do with my family.  Now I get to put all that hard work to good use and share my finds with you!  I love Plano and there are always so many great things going on in this area!

Just a little about myself.  I am originally from Long Island, NY and I loved growing up so close to the beach (the one thing I miss here in Texas).  My husband and I have 2 great kids that are growing up way to fast!  They keep us busy with their sports and we love it.  One loves soccer so we get to bake in the hot sun.  And the other loves hockey and we get to freeze in the rinks.  It's called balance I guess!  But at all times you will find suntan lotion and winter gloves in my "locker room car"!  

We have moved a few times, but now that we are in Texas we finally feel like we are in our forever home.  No more moving for us!  We love everything about it here.  We love exploring new areas, and doing new things.  I don't love to cook, but maybe that is because the kids don't love to eat my food so it feel like a waste of time?!?  Quick and easy meals are my favorites (aka we have a lot of taco nights at my house!).  I doubt I am alone with this.  But I do love finding and trying some good new recipes, and I will share those here as well.  You can let me know how they come out.  ;0)  Anyways,  I also love to do crafts!  I like to think I can make quality crafts like those found on Pinterest, but in reality they never come out like I planned.  But I love doing them anyways!

I look forward to seeing you around town and meeting the Macaroni Kid families at some of the great events in our community!  If you see me out please be sure to say hi!  And please share this page with your friends so that they can be in the know of things going on in Plano too!